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20 September 2010

Never a Taser around, when you...

...really need one...
The family of a schizophrenic man hopes a coroner's inquest beginning Monday will shed light on why Toronto police fatally shot him more than two years ago. --
Uhm... that's a trick question... right?

Two words, folks... armed AND dangerous.
Officers found Debassige in the park drunk, singing and wielding a knife. Debassige refused repeated calls to drop the weapon and came toward the officers "while wielding the knife in a threatening posture," said the SIU news release.
Sorry, Peace Moonbeam... you call the tune... don't be too surprised somebody punches your dance card.

I'd also be interested in knowing where Byron Debassige's family was... two years ago. Funny how everybody saves up their concern for the inevitable inquest...
"Let's put the onus for seeking treatment on the guy who's obviously crazier than a shithouse mouse... that sounds like a plan."
If it was my son who was suffering from mental illness... he sure as shit wouldn't be wandering around Toronto armed & intoxicated.

You do whatever you have to do.


RELATED: If shooting this guy...

...could bring back a little girl... would you do it?
“It was the voice that started it,” Richard Wilde recalled of Oct. 18, 2007, the day he killed his daughter, Megan.