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21 September 2010

Never a Russian aristocrat around...

...when you really need one...
Michael Ignatieff first offended Ukrainians around the world in his 1994 book Blood and Belonging, where he talked in derogatory terms about that country’s independence “conjuring up images of embroidered peasant shirts, the nasal whine of ethnic instruments, phony cossacks in cloaks and boots, nasty anti-Semites.”

Calling himself a “Great Russian” he remarked on his disdain for “these little Russians”.
But, but, but... he rides the bus... AND he drank a beer!!!


RELATED: Compassionate, intellectual Mickey I... his own words...
"I don't want to litter the slopes with bodies. There may be people who I've left behind who feel that I was ruthless, and if they feel that, then all I can say is — I wouldn't apologize — all I could say is, I don't want to hurt people."
You mean like the wife and two kids you ditched back in England?
