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24 September 2010

Airbrushing the Politburo...'s what the CBC does best...
"I am in touch with the Canadian athletes across all sport and I have to tell you I am so amazed at their professionalism, optimism, attitude," Deacon said.

"They have put the trust in their coaches and their Canadian sports federations and the Commonwealth Games to ensure that we are working on their best behalf."
Hang on a second, Martha... is it the coaches and the sports federations who are cleaning up the piles of steaming crap found scattered throughout the athletes accommodations?

I mean, call me a pessimist but you've gotta ask yourself... you don't know how to use a toilet... how safe is the electrical wiring gonna be?

And Marty... you just might be overplaying the "optimism" card...
Rice heard the athletes village is situated beside a dump and downstream from a large river dam that could apparently burst and flood the village if water levels rise.

"Knowing October is the rainy season," said Rice, "I can't help but ask which urban engineer thought placing the village in this location was a smart choice.
Hey, no worries... in case of emergency, you just run across the bridge... wait a minute...