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09 August 2010

Where is Sgt John Payne's apology?

Look, I know it's been a while since I was last in school... but have they actually stopped teaching history?
-- "Get that letter to my mother. I will meet you all in Winnipeg." -- Unfortunately, the 23-year-old soldier was recaptured and summarily beheaded.
If the Allies had had the atomic bomb 5 years earlier... how many lives could have been saved?

You start a war, Tojo... you just gotta take your lumps.


RELATED: Yeah... a humane war...

a10 ammo...that could happen.


FROM THE COMMENTS: "Release the Sharpton!!!"
"I guess in your world view that non-whites are a monolith."
Way to go, nonny... this time you did it without actually using the word "Nazi".

You've just gotta love the compassionate, intellectual left.