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10 August 2010

Message to CBC marketing department

I don't know what Marshmallow McLuhan thought this tag line up, but trust me... the cast of "Little Mosque on the Prairie" are nowhere near being... "the most famous Muslims in the world".

Sweet freakin' semtex... with all the Khadr shit hitting the airwaves... they're not even the most famous Muslims on your network tonight.

I admit I'm being selfish here. I care less about you donkey-heads embarrassing yourselves... than having my blood pressure blow off the top of my head.

And while we're at it, Global TV... watching a tennis match at York University is not "a life changing experience"...not now, not ever.

Seriously... why would you say shit like that?

Is anybody else tired of these self-important spin-factories insulting your intelligence?

I swear... there are days I just wanna toss the idiot-box out the window.