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30 August 2010

It must be eating him up inside...

...but Jack Layton is gonna let the chips fall where they may...
jack outta the box
His refusal to whip his caucus, as Michael Ignatieff has done with the Liberals, virtually assures the motion will fail and Bill C-391, which was introduced by Tory MP Candice Hoeppner to end the long-gun registry, will succeed.
Gotta confess, I didn't think ol' Jacko had it in him.

Of course, the decision isn't entirely based on principle... the NDP stood to lose a whack of rural MPs.


RELATED: Iggy gets out the whip

Me: “Hello, I’m not a criminal so I have to report to you that I’ve moved.”

Constable on duty: “Huh?”

Me: “I legally own a rifle so I have to report to you that I’ve moved.”

Constable on duty: “Who said you have to do this?”

Me: “Your boss Chief Jack Ewatsky and Prime Minister Chretien.”

Constable on duty: “Well, I… uh are you sure?”
Can we have our 2 billion dollars back now?

(via ffof)


LAST WORD: The Dipper Dilemma
Charlie Angus, a New Democrat from Northern Ontario, has voted in favour of Ms. Hoeppner’s bill – and he is no fan of the gun registry.

He tells the story of an 84-year-old widow who wanted to register her dead husband’s firearm and was told she would first have to get a licence, after taking a course in how to use it, even though she never planned to fire the weapon.