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16 August 2010

Hang on Haydat... does that include...

...all those wonderful folks from the PFLP?...
“What people don’t understand is that it’s impossible for anyone with a questionable background to get into Canada. If they are not genuine refugees, they will go back. But we have to give them a chance.” --
Haydat Nazami --
"They will go back?"... that's certainly not what the historical record reflects. Maybe ol' Haydat should take a little drive down to Brantford, Ontario...oh canada
James Bissett, former head of the Canadian Immigration Service, referred to the Mohammad case as "atrocious … a powerful example of the fact that we've completely lost control of who can enter Canada."

In fact, Mohammad is just one of several alien terrorists the Canadian legal system renders un-deportable. It's a devastating indication of how the country does not yet take the terrorist menace seriously.
Oh Canada.