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29 July 2010

So, if somebody shows up...

...with credentials from the University of Lower Slobbovia... we just accept that too?
“It certainly strikes me as ridiculous and a bit ludicrous,” Dr. Landreth said. “The irony of someone who’s immigrating to Canada to teach English being asked to take an English test is probably not lost on most people.”
What's ridiculous is a tenure-track professor... who claims to want to live & work in this country bitching about something as inconsequential as a competency exam.

You really, truly think your issue should go to the top of the list?

Hey, Doc... I'm pretty sure they could use more English teachers down in Chicago. Pay the fee and do the test... or pack your bags.


RELATED: I miss the meritocracy
The unfortunate reality is, there are places in the world, most notably the so-called "third world" where accreditation just doesn't meet North American standards.

And I for one, want the surgeon who is operating on my child to meet and indeed, exceed the standards.

If you can't write the Ontario medical board exams that existing doctors have to pass... I don't want you operating on me, my family... or the guy down the street, for that matter.
If you're competent... you're not afraid of the test. You welcome it.


POSTSCRIPT: Hang on a sec...

What exactly, are we doing hiring people from outside the country anyway?

Are you saying we have a 100% employment rate for all the homegrown Ph.D.s?