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20 July 2010

Mixed, muddy messages...

...your MSM in action...
"'Violent crimes also declined, but to a lesser extent than overall crime', Statscan said."
But wait... what's this?
"Some types of violent crimes increased, including attempted murders, extortion, firearms offences and criminal harassment."
But hey, don't you fret...
"Youth crime fell slightly in 2009."
Again... there's one small caveat...
"However, both the youth crime rate and the severity of such offences are about 10 per cent higher than a decade earlier."
And finally...
There were 806 attempted murders, 85 more than in 2008.
Feeling safer yet?

Hey... anybody wanna dicuss why the numbers are way out of proportion for the territories and the prairie provinces?

Here's a couple of little factoids the G&M skipped over...
The reserves themselves are incubators of misery. According to Statscan, in 2004, the rate of violent crime reported by aboriginals living off- reserve was 953 per 100,000 people.

On-reserve, the rate was 7,108 per 100,000 people - more than seven times greater.
C'mon Peace Moonbeam... let the wailing commence.