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17 July 2010

In other "blood from a stone" news

-- TORONTO -- Eco fees may be just the beginning.

The Dalton McGuinty government has encouraged its ministries to pursue new fees to stay on budget and to pay for additional programs, according to a 2010-11 Results-Based Planning document obtained by QMI Agency.
liar, liarShades of Bob Rae!!!

How do you like him now, Ontario?


RELATED: Who's minding the store?
Provincial police have launched a criminal investigation into the conduct of some Ontario government employees in deals with private companies.

Ron McKerlie, deputy minister for the Ministry of Government Services, said in a release that staff are co-operating with the Ontario Provincial Police.
Yet another financial scandal on Dalton's watch.


UPDATE: Circling the wagons... again
All calls to government ministries seeking comment on Saturday were referred to Craig Sumi, a spokesman for the Ministry of Government Services. He would not say how many employees are involved or whether any of them have been temporarily suspended during the investigation.

Mr. Sumi, would say only that "a few ministries" are part of the investigation.
Well... that's a relief.

It's not all of them, right Craig?