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30 June 2010

That damn nasty neocon Mike Harr...

...wait a minute...
Not only did Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals place limits on civil liberties without telling anyone – but they also then washed their hands as police misrepresented and misused their new powers.
The government failed to announce its new law. A simple press release could have explained what the regulation, which is worded in such a way that even police claim to have been confused by it, did and didn’t cover.

Instead, the province buried it on a government website, such that nobody heard about it until an arrest was made.
Yessirree... that's why we call him McSlippery.


RELATED: Suppressing free speech...'s what nanny-state Liberals do...
"The released documents show that it was Allan Rock — not Houle — who asked that the email be sent. Rock even dictated some of the wording."
Surprise, surprise.