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30 June 2010

Obviously the Obama administration...

...likes her "flexibility"...
Ms. Kagan’s responses, during a long and sometimes tense day of parrying with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, were similar to those of Supreme Court nominees past.

But unlike her predecessors, Ms. Kagan wrote a 1995 article calling for judicial nominees to be more forthcoming.
And speaking of flexibility... how about McDreamy himself...
Three days after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Dutch government offered to help.

It was willing to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and it proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands.

The response from the Obama administration and BP, which are coordinating the cleanup: “The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,'”
But only 70 days in... there's apparently a change of heart...
Tuesday June 29, 2010, 6:43 pm EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States is accepting help from 12 countries and international organizations in dealing with the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Hope, change and... "that was then, this is now."