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17 June 2010

Ronnie... those two "MISTAKES" you made...

...they're both still dead, right?
Decades later, Mr. Gardner now says he is calmer, wiser and remorseful.
Yeah... I guess 25 years in the Crowbar Motel can do that, huh? So let's have it... let's hear about what a model citizen you've turned out to be...
He claims his desire is now to help young people avoid making the kind of mistakes that landed him on death row.
Mistakes!?!? That's what these people were to you?
He and his brother would like to run a 160-acre organic farm and residential program for at-risk youth.
Yeah, you dumbass... and I wanna be an astronaut.

It's just a shame they can't execute him twice.


RELATED: More death row boohoo...

...just ask a Liberal.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The compassionate, intellectual left responds...
halls of macadamia/
"I have never threatened you, and you know it Jim. You are the one making threats to shoot me with your Glock."
Does anybody else get this kind of crazy?

Just wondering.


LAST WORD: Horrible rush to justice...

...only took 25 tears...
The five executioners, certified police officers who volunteered for the task and remain anonymous, stood about 25 feet away, behind a wall cut with a gunport, and were armed with .30-calibre Winchester rifles.
One thing we do know about capitol punishment... Ronnie Lee Gardner won't ever murder anyone again.

As one commenter eloquently put it...
"The man wasn't executed to teach him that killing was wrong. He knew it was wrong. He was executed to punish him for killing people and to stop him from ever doing it again."
Just so.