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09 June 2010

Meanwhile... Prime Minister Jack Layton...

...has just announced that he is disbanding the Canadian military...
The new party would possibly be named the Liberal Democrats and there has been tentative talk about what a shared platform would look like and an understanding that a race would be required to choose a new leader.

"Serious people are involved in discussions at a serious level," Warren Kinsella, a former adviser to former prime minister Jean Chrétien, told CBC News.
Hmmm... has anybody mentioned this little development to Count Ignatieff?


RELATED: What good is it, having an angel...

...on your shoulder, if it's not toilet-trained?
halls of macadamia/C'mon, Michael... who's really driving the little red clown car?
In an exclusive interview with The Canadian Press, Ignatieff dismissed talk of a merger or any sort of election non-compete agreement with the NDP as "absurd."

"Liberals will campaign to form a Liberal government. We aren't interested in coalitions."


FROM THE COMMENTS: Damn... there's my real post title.
"Any chance the new party could be called 'Shit From Hell'? It's a natural."
Oh my gawd... it's like Fonzie meets the Flintstones.


UPDATE: Ignatieff, Layton run for cover... commenters at Globe & Mail get frisky...
"I wish Iggy would merge with a spine."