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02 June 2010

Liberal Party of Canada debating...

...whether or not to relaunch "Operation Shoot Myself in the Face"...
"This is a merger by any other name ... a slippery slope to sacrificing our political identity. It would amount to a total betrayal of the Liberal party's history, identity and success."
You mean "a total betrayal AGAIN"... right, Scott?

So, does this mean this dog's breakfast of political accommodation is truly back on the table?

Well... it is if good ol' Commie Bob gets his way...
That may be wishful thinking -- not all Liberals would join a united left. As one Toronto Grit said: "Rae is fundamentally a lefty who paid $10 to become a Liberal."
I'm thinkin' the enemy of my enemy is my friend... "Go Bob, go!!!"

I just know the Three Stooges have got what it takes... to ensure a Harper majority.