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03 June 2010

Bullying... bigger problem than u think

Not to worry, though... sad little Opposition MPs threaten to tell John Baird's mummy...
Liberal MP Siobhan Coady called Baird's actions "ridiculous and patronizing" and challenged the minister directly.

"Are you trying to intimidate me, Mr. Baird?" Coady asked. "Because I'll put myself up against you any day on intimidation factors. Don't ever try to intimidate me, ever."

Coady said Baird's "schoolyard bullying tactics" won't deter her from getting answers. "I'm not giving up on this," SHE TOLD REPORTERS. "I don't get intimidated easily."
Yes, yes, Siobhan, we heard you... "big dick, not afraid to use it"... now let your little brother-in-arms have his turn...
"My mom told me it was rude to show up to a party you're not invited to," Cullen told the ministers.
Uh, Nathan... what did mummy say about being a whiney little bitch? Geeeezus... Baird makes little Nate look like the guy whose singular claim to fame was that he once painted Liberace's toenails.

And, puh-leeese... maybe somebody can send CBC a fresh picture of Mr Baird... it's like that one picture they have of 12 year-old Omar Khadr.

C'mon guys... at least Nathan & Siobhan are putting their broken little hearts into it. Let's see your A-game.


"All Cullen ever learned he learned in kindergarten."
Oh-oh... do I smell another HRC complaint?