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14 May 2010

You've gotta ask yourself one question...

j-frame airweight
"Do I feel lonely? Well, do ya punky?" --
I gotta confess, it ain't just Sky Gilbert... I'm on pins & needles waiting for that new blockbuster cop movie... "Cuddly Harry"...
If this is the case, it speaks to the limitations of our culture and the stupid narrowness of gender stereotypes.

Why can’t a man be valued for his tenderness and vulnerability as much as for strength and his courage? If we can’t accept an effeminate Sean Hayes as a heterosexual, it is our fault, not his.
Hey, Sky... maybe you should actually ask a compassionate, intellectual liberal... 'cos they're the folks that are mostly tossin' around the hurtful words...
zorpheus homophobiaAnd you just go ahead and make that movie... we can let market forces decide about that "tenderness" thing.