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11 May 2010

More media-manufactured monster

You ever notice how Stephen Harper... unlike wise & gentle Professor Ignatieff... is always "lashing out, venting spleen"... or "slapping down" anyone who dares cross his shadow?

Call me wacky, but it sounds as though the PMO may have, if I may be so bold, simply ... "issued a denial."

Is this the same crowd of media jesters who couldn't get enough of Iggy pontificating about "hookers, mosbsters & blow" just a short while ago?
-- OTTAWA -- Michael Ignatieff is drawing a link between disgraced former cabinet minister Helena Guergis and organized crime.
The news according to Hanoi Jane Taber... it's laughable.


RELATED: That sounds so familiar...
Oh my gawd... he's gonna blow!!!
Oh, man... I had no idea how bad it was.

He's gonna kill us all.


LAST WORD: If they build it...

...he will come...
Go Iggy, go.