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18 May 2010

Harvard Egghead resorts to...

... venerable "I know you are, but what am I" strategy...halls of macadamia/And Michael Ignatieff... apparently forgetting earlier promises about taking the political "high road"... is just getting started...
“Our opponents attack us without ceasing and, occasionally, they pretend to run the government of Canada.”
Hmmm... constant attacks, culture wars... that sounds so familiar...
Mr. Graves went on to say that polling data shows the Conservative Party “does seem to provide a haven” for people with xenophobic or homophobic views."
Hey... isn't that the guy... who was advising Michael Ignatieff, just weeks ago, to start a... well... "culture war"?

I guess desperate times... and plunging poll numbers... require desperate measures.


RELATED: Yup... surprise, surprise...

...the usual G&M cheerleader springs into action...
halls of macadamia/You get paid for this, right Janie?