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14 April 2010

"These commissions were started..."

..."with the best of intentions – to help the poor and the weak from being bullied out of a job or an apartment."

"But they have become censors, policing not death threats or incitement to violence, or any other real crime, but rather the fake crime of hurt feelings."

"They have become what author Kathy Shaidle calls a 'Tyranny of Nice'."

"Her autobiography will be called 'The Tyranny of Butt Fucking Ugly'."
Yessirree... you fellas do all the work for me.


RELATED: In other "Elf ‘n’ Safety" news
"Butchers at Sainsbury's have been banned from using knives - because of health and safety."
Safety break... nobody works, nobody gets hurt.

(h/t moose & squirrel)


LAST WORD: Britain... the final chapter