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14 April 2010

People love a story...

...with big breasts...
The network said the information involved the potential for blackmail and “the alleged purchase and use of drugs.”

CTV did not say who could have been involved in the blackmail or who was involved in the drug allegations.
Yeah, of course... we wouldn't want to let actual facts get in the way of a good story, huh? It's not like someone's entire future is hanging in the... wait a minute...

As to the Loyal Opposition's shrill cries... that Stephen Harper somehow twisted the Ontario Liberal Solicitor-General's arm to get Jaffer a deal... well, funny story.... it turns out that the actual "fly in the ointment" was a little over-zealous policing...
While Jaffer was doing a breathalyser test, one of the Calgary lawyers called back several times but was told the test was underway and he would have to wait to talk to Jaffer.

That delay, and the fact that the OPP later conducted a strip search of Jaffer — an act that a legal expert consulted by the CBC said would not have been justified given the nature of the charges — prompted the Crown to conclude there was no chance of a conviction.
Funny though... how some stories just seem to fade away.