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08 April 2010

Elementary, my dear Iggy

Just how bereft of ideas do you have to be... to try tying Stephen Harper into booze, whores & blow?
-- OTTAWA -- “I think we are entering an entirely new realm here,” a top official in Michael Ignatieff’s office said. “We are looking into this.” --
Yes, yes... of course you are.

Behold Michael Ignatieff's "entirely new realm" of political sleaze.

Remember all those crazy stories about the Prime Minister & his good buddy Rahim... you know... the guy who hasn't been an MP since 2008... settin' fire to the Bytown hooker strip?

Yeah... me neither.

And hey... he doesn't just LOOK like a smarmy Vulcan... he talks like one too!
“Nothing is personal in politics, because politics is theater. It is part of the job to pretend to have emotions that you do not actually feel.”
Simply more shameless propaganda courtesy of... surprise, surprise... Hanoi Jane Taber.


RELATED: Who gets Michael Ignatieff?

I mean, besides himself & Scott Reid.
"It was right for me to support the Iraq war when I was an academic, because academics live in outer space on Planet Zinfandel, and play with ideas all day. But now, as a politician in a country that opposed the war, I'll admit I screwed up, because politicians must deign to harness the wild mares of whimsy to the ox-cart of cold, calculated reality."

So, although his judgments were objectively wrong, they were contextually appropriate. Sweet! You've been totally 0wn3d by Michael Ignatieff!

And so have all those dead Iraqis.
Yeah... Rahim Jaffer... that's what we should be worried about.