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30 April 2010

Dear Globe & Mail

Thanks for the detail, boys.

Say... did it occur to any of you "professional journalists" that poor little Omar didn't get any of those injuries playing b-ball at the local rec centre?
Mr. Khadr, who is blind in one eye and has shrapnel shards in both, kept his face covered and his head down as a 27-minute video was played, showing him as a grinning, 15-year-old building detonators in a carpeted room while al-Qaeda trainers exulted: "God willing we will get a good number of Americans."
Somebody explain this to me.

Why would we want this treasonous little fuck... or any of his surviving jihadi family for that matter... back in our country anyway?
Oh, that's right... most of us don't.


RELATED: Conservatives don't make points...

...they just "lash out" or...
Thank you, Hanoi Jane.


"The Khadrs were mercenaries. What do left-wing governments do to mercenaries?"