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24 March 2010

The now infamous University of Ottawa...

...bastion of "not-so-free" speech...
“I’m pretty sure little Francois A-Houle does not need to travel with a bodyguard,” she said. “I would like to know when this sort of violence, this sort of protest, has been inflicted upon a Muslim — who appear to be, from what I’ve read of the human rights complaints, the only protected group in Canada."
It does appear, though... that Ms. Coulter may have found a solution to her dilemma...
"I think I’ll give my speech tomorrow night in a burka. That will protect me.”

Houle could not be reached for comment on Tuesday night.
I'll let Mrs N... (a graduate of U of T)... have the last word here... "This was about free speech? Why didn't they listen to what she had to say... and have a riot afterwards?"


RELATED: Hey, Francois...

You're gonna protest horrible injustice... how about you start with, I dunno... something like this...
Hundreds of women have rallied outside Yemen's parliament to show support for a law banning child marriages. The government proposed the law after the marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a 30-year-old man was annulled.

But some conservative Muslims are against the law being passed. On Monday a group of Islamic clerics issued a decree condemning the law, and said its supporters were apostates.
Yeah... Ann Coulter... there's our biggest problem.


LAST WORD: CBC over-torques another poll

Even after cherrypicking some of her most controversial soundbites & finding the most unflattering picture possible on the inter-tubes... another CBC vision quest goes horribly wrong...
"Should Ann Coulter weigh her words when speaking to a Canadian audience?"
Hey, Francois... you feelin' the love?