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18 March 2010

I'll take Palin's speechwriter...

...over President McDreamy's... any day of the week...
In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma?

No. With our treasured ally, Israel.
Yeah, I'm sorry... I'm gonna have to go with the folks who aren't strappin' bombs to their children.

I'm a little funny that way.


RELATED: All that sucking up and...

...they still spit in his face...
Iran's supreme leader sharply denounced the United States on Sunday, accusing it of plotting to overthrow its clerical leadership, in a chilly response to an overture by President Barack Obama for better cultural ties with Iran.
Hey, Barry... what's Plan B?