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17 March 2010

The end of personal responsibility

It's a modern day tragedy... dastardly doctors forcing pills down people's throats...So, what's next... morbidly obese people drop over dead......we're gonna put out an APB on Ronald McDonald?

See, here's the deal. Corey Haim... who is to filmography, what hubcap spinners are to automotive engineering... was a lifelong junkie, a pimple on the ass of civil society.

He has long provided colourful fodder for the tabloid press as he travelled down the inevitable road to self-immolation. His involvement with a fake prescription ring is yet more evidence of his disrespect for his own life and the people around him.

This isn't a tragedy, as much as it's an object lesson about selfish obliviousness.

You wanna feel the world's pain... take a walk through a pediatric cancer ward.