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08 March 2010

As opposed to what, Mr Martin...

...the “demented socialist fantasy of creating patronage jobs for all?"
-- OTTAWA -- NDP critic Pat Martin, meanwhile, said he expected more from Mr. Day.

He believes that the government will use the economic crisis as a “smokescreen” to live out their “neo-conservative dream of downsizing government.”
Yeah... downsizing government... there's a crime.

In other demented yip-yap from the lunatic left... G-Dad is listening to the taxpayer funded CBC pondering the immortal Oscar-related question... "Did Hollywood get it right?"

Sweet baby jebus.


"The civil service enjoys up to 30% higher wages when compensation is included , yet the NDP are already screaming that the civil service, who by the way are largely represented by unions, should be untouchable, while the private sector workers suffer."
Well... I'm sure Deputy Dawg could explain it all to us.