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03 February 2010

"Uh, yes sir... it's just that it's kinda hard..."

" keep track of McHale with all this smoke & mayhem..."
As testimony at a recent civil suit revealed, the most egregious lawlessness in the small town, where protesters from the nearby Six Nations reserve seized a former housing subdivision, occurred after a failed OPP raid in April of 2006 and during the early summer, when protesters barricaded roads, burned a bridge to the ground and destroyed a hydro transformer.

Most of Mr. McHale's protests, by contrast, involved either trying to carry a Canadian flag through the town or demonstrations against various native “smoke shacks” on public property.
If only someone had thought to similarly keep eyeballs on the aboriginal looters.


UPDATE: Fantino off the hook?
In a press release, Mr. Fantino expressed “satisfaction” with Crown's move, calling it a “logical outcome to an unsubstantiated allegation.”
If only Fantino could have left it at that. Unfortunately, he goes on to airbrush the Politburo...
"I remain proud of the difficult work done by the OPP over the last several years in Caledonia. Our efforts have resulted in a relative calm and minimized potential violence."

"The results speak for themselves."
Indeed they do, sir... indeed they do.