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11 February 2010

A HUGE victory for the...

...morbidly obese community...
A five-year-long feud over a parking spot has ended with a human-rights victory and $10,000 settlement for a morbidly obese Quebec woman.

Marise Myrand won a favourable ruling from the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal, which said her condo association discriminated against her by denying her a parking spot closer to her building entrance.

She not only won the preferred spot, but all 35 of her neighbours will have to contribute to her $10,000 award.
So... now we're entrenching the human right... to be fat?

Oh, Canada.


"When I bought my condo, it included the deeding of a specific parking space. If this is the process in Quebec as well, then the Ms. Nolet "owned" her space and the HRC effectively expropriated it."

RELATED: In other "legal" news


LAST WORD: Gimme my rainbows & unicorns!!!
"I've been musing for years on how the illusions of multicultural tolerance have been hijacked by the avowedly unicultural and intolerant, but you could hardly have a more parodic example than Omar Hassan."
As Kate would say... more pavilions at folkfest.