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11 February 2010

Bright lights, big city

When's the last time you read a sentence with the words "torture-murder"... that didn't also include the word Rwanda?
-- TORONTO -- Five alleged members of the Little Rascalz gang admitted yesterday they played roles in the torture-murder of Omar Wellington in retaliation for a soured gun deal.

The five assailants — who cannot be identified because they were under 18 years of age when Wellington, 17, was killed on July 14, 2006 — pleaded guilty to various offences.
Yeah... Little Rascalz.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Thank you, James

Never ask a question if you don't really want to know...
-- BARRIE -- Paul Bradey, 45, of Midland, was found guilty of the first-degree murder of Cousineau, 23, a mentally challenged woman with the maturity of a 13-year-old. He was also found guilty of arson and committing an indignity to a human body.

Over the past two months the jury listened to the horrific details of how Bradey trapped Cousineau in the basement and burned her naked body with a blowtorch, then left her for two days to slowly die Nov. 13, 2007.
Good gawd.

And... wait for it... the compassionate, intellectual... and, so patriotic left responds...
Wow... I got nuthin'.