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01 February 2010

C'mon, let's be honest

Isn't this actually more of a "we don't really give a shit" menace?
Geraldine Red-Iron, a vice-principal at Canoe Lake's high school, said that the dog issue is very divisive. She said that whenever authorities try to kill the wild dogs, people claiming to be their owners rise up in anger.
So you've got vicious predators roaming your streets... and you do what?

Well... that'd be doo-dah.

No wonder the child mortality numbers on reservations are through the roof...
"The rate of deaths from injuries is 3 to 4 times higher for Aboriginal children than for other children in Canada."

Source: Government of Canada (2002) Healthy Canadians – A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2002. Ottawa: Health Canada.
Appalling doesn't even begin to cover this.


"The Indian Act is a flawed and outdated piece of legislation and yet, every politician who has offered to repeal it has been met with howls of indignation by the very people it oppresses. You can blame the residential school system and the evil white man all you want but the only thing stopping you from changing things is the natives themselves."

"No one, in this day and age, is going to stop any visible minority from improving themselves."

RELATED: They shoot toddlers don't they?
This is the neighbourhood where, in April 2008, a drive-by shooter fired a bullet through the home of Asia Saddleback's grandfather, ripping into the 23-month-old girl's abdomen.
And sorry Peace Moonbeam... look's like money isn't the solution...
At one point, the cheques climbed well into the six figures; Mr. Crane told court yesterday he'd spent nearly half his $40,000 on marijuana and alcohol.
Yup... lots to be proud of here.