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31 January 2010

How do Patrick Weir & Carmen Rogers...

...sleep at night...
"While the defence argued that Brotherston Sr. was acting in self-defence during a life-and-death struggle with (crack-cocaine addict and dealer) Taylor, who had a gun and a knife, Crown prosecutors Patrick Weir and Carmen Rogers insisted the prolonged beating and extensive injuries suffered by Taylor were not the result of self-defence."
The inmates are truly running the asylum.


RELATED: Never mind dastardly tasers...

...when is British Columbia gonna go after the real killer in their midst?
"The B.C. Coroner’s Service received 24 reports of avalanche deaths during the 2008-2009 winter. Nineteen involved recreational snowmobilers and five involved skiers and snowboarders."
Time to ban winter outdoor recreation.

If it only saves one life.