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02 February 2010

Abortion is a contraceptive "option"?

Apparently Michael Ignatieff has never heard of condoms, birth control pills... or self-control...
He says he wants to “lay down a marker” now for the Conservatives, acknowledging that he has no firm evidence that Mr. Harper is planning to go the Bush route.
So, there is actually no impending crisis here... it's just more of Iggy's left-wing bullshit... like having one of his caucus lapdogs screaming about Canadian soldiers being "war criminals."

Call me obsessive, or old-fashioned... but isn't an "option" something you consider before an act of this magnitude? Creating a human life isn't like ordering a pizza.

Well, maybe... to Michael Ignatieff & company... it is.

"I'll have a rollicking good time... hold, er... scrape & flush... the baby."


FROM THE COMMENTS: Iggy's Big Thoughts
"What will he propose when breast cancer becomes more prevalent?"

RELATED: In other "Loyal Opposition" news...

...all indications are... the NDP has endorsed the use of peyote.