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22 January 2010

Wake up and smell the science

Who says the parole board doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground?
-- ST. JOHNS (CBC) -- CBC News obtained 17 pages of parole board rulings for Aggek, dating back to the late '90s.

The board noted repeatedly that Aggek was likely to commit a violent offence if he was released into the community.
But they let him go anyway.

Must feel good to be right, huh?

Goodness gracious... looks like I'm not the only one who's getting a little fed up...
This hardening attitude among Canadians is revealed in a new Angus Reid public opinion survey that found 62 per cent of respondents favour capital punishment for murderers, while 31 per cent believe that rapists should be put to death.


"I think we can expect this poll to disappear down the memory hole during the next federal election campaign - when The Count runs on the patented 'Scary! Hidden! Agenda!(tm)' platform."