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21 January 2010

Just another victim...

...of our heartless, elitest society...
A 22-year-old paraplegic who has launched a $17-million lawsuit arising from his incarceration in the Toronto (Don) Jail on drug charges now has another court date in sight: He has been charged with dealing cocaine, marijuana and Ecstasy from his room at St. Michael's Hospital.

Further investigation revealed that a loaded handgun and a bulletproof vest were allegedly found in Mr. Milligan's room, along with other drugs.
I guess you never know when you might have to cap a rogue candy-striper.

Oh yeah... the best part of this was that the fuzzy-bunny Red Star held this guy up as their "Victim of the Week" just a little while ago.
Milligan was locked up at the Don between October and December 2007 after Toronto police raided his apartment and charged him with drug possession.

At the time, he was 19 and trying to adjust to life after a gunshot injury to his spine left him a paraplegic in the spring of 2007.
Live and DON"T LEARN, eh?


AIRBRUSH UPDATE: Now you see it... you don't...
Pravda would be proud.


"Arrested for dealing dope while in a wheelchair in a hospital."

"I think that's the gansta' trifecta."
I don't get it. I'd have bet large... that Dawg & Company would have dropped by to defend this poor lad.

Oh well.