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28 January 2010

Polishing that Pink Apple

Well... all those vampire shows are pretty popular these days... that's gotta help...
“Liberals cannot win a government unless they have a significant gap in their favour with women voters.”
And if there's one thing we know about the Liberal Party... it's that they're all about the ladies...
-- OTTAWA -- (Liberal) Immigration Minister Judy Sgro is defending the government's policy of admitting foreign exotic dancers to work in Canada, saying the strip club business is "a strong industry" with "lots of customers."
Who says the Liberal Party of Toronto doesn't have any bold policy initiatives?
"We've got immigrant doctors driving cabs and badly needed tradespeople not even able to get into the country. But Liberals want to ensure the flow of new strippers and exploited sex trade workers continues!"
Go Iggy, go!


"I have always thought of the stripper shortage as a cleavage issue as opposed to a wedge issue."