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07 January 2010

The end of personal responsibility

How about we just bubblewrap these folks and stick them in the cargo hold...
-- OTTAWA -- The country's largest airline has been ordered to create a nut-free zone on flights to accommodate passengers with serious nut allergies.
Sure, why not... it's not like the airlines have anything else on their agenda to worry about.
The agency ruled that the passengers in question, Sophia Huyer and Melanie Nugent, are considered persons with a disability, so the airline must lift any obstacles to their mobility through a formal policy.
Is there actually some sort of issue with cabin staff, or perhaps other passengers... and the force-feeding of objectionable foods?

And call me wacky... but what exactly do these poor disabled women do with the 99.9% of their lives that isn't spent on airplanes?

Good grief.