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07 November 2009

So, why doesn't the headline read....

...neighbours of mass murderer were totally clueless?
-- FORT HOOD, TEXAS -- “He was nice. He never had mean looks. He would wear nice clothes,” she remembered, adding: “I can't believe he would do this.”
I've never been able to understand the point of all the after-the-fact eulogising... or, more accurately... mythologising of despicable killers like Nidal Malik Hasan.

The woman quoted above has not an iota of insight into her homicidal neighbour. He "dressed nicely"!?! Are you shittin' me? What precisely does this prattle add to our understanding of this horrific event?

And, what exactly, do we get from the people who should know him best.
Family members, who said Maj. Hasan's actions were “despicable and deplorable,” thought he felt harassed because of his Muslim faith, but wasn't extremist in his views.
Say what? He wasn't extremist? I must have missed the part where Hasan switched over from shouting "Allahu Akbar" to... "Oh, I'm so sorry... excuse me"... as he fired dozens of bullets into the bodies of defenseless co-workers.

How do these people manage to overlook that this freak cold-bloodedly murdered 13 of his co-workers... among them a pregnant woman?

So spare me the media conflated fuzzy-bunny nonsense about what these people may have imagined about this piece of shit.

You really want to pay tribute to anyone here... save a little of that compassion for the family and friends of the dead.


RELATED: Just another broad-strata thing, huh?
A source tells NPR's Joseph Shapiro that Hasan was put on probation early in his postgraduate work at the Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. He was disciplined for proselytizing about his Muslim faith with patients and colleagues, according to the source, who worked with him at the time.