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07 November 2009

"Headline of the Day, from the BBC..."

"...Shooting Raises Fears For Muslims In US Army..."
Really? Right now the body count stands at:

Non-Muslims 13
Muslims 0
Yup... it's a mystery.

Maybe another one of those "broad strata" things...
In his Saturday address, U.S. President Barack Obama called for patience as investigators search for a motive in the shootings.

"We cannot fully know what leads a man to do such a thing."

RELATED: Maybe it was P.I.S.S.
"If you can get PTSD from treating soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center then why the hell haven't more people snapped?

Why haven't all the therapists in physical therapy and occupational therapy, and all the staff on Ward 57 run around shooting up the place? They have seen far more wounded soldiers than this piece of shit ever did."

Salzman also kindly answers his own questions: "Because you don't get PTSD from sitting on your ass around Walter Reed."