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18 November 2009

OHIP, eHealth... now HST

Remember way back when... you know... you used to have a say in what the government did with your money?
-- TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty won't agree to hold public hearings on the HST across Ontario, but says he expects voters will pass judgment on the new tax in 2011.

McGuinty says people can call talk radio or write letters to the editor about the 13 per cent single sales tax, adding he'd be surprised if voters don't consider the HST in the next Ontario election.
Just don't be bothering Dalton about it... 'cos he's not listening.


RELATED: And, south of the border...

...the left is in disarray...
In October, Obama only garnered a 47% approval on the economy; now it’s 43%. Disapproval on Afghanistan rose to 49%, up seven points in a month.

Both are issues on which Obama has tried to be seen as taking charge, and Americans increasingly wonder if he’s up to the task.