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23 October 2009

Your money... his friends

How do the McSlippery Liberals deal with a mind-blowing, record-setting deficit?
-- TORONTO -- Pinned under a $25-billion deficit, the Dalton McGuinty government has secretly hired cost-cutting consultants to go over the public drug plan for seniors and welfare recipients, Sun Media has learned.

The contract with McKinsey and Co. was so under wraps that health ministry officials initially denied its existence, and then when pressed refused to release the consultants' recommendations or the cost of the contract to the Sun.

Health Minister Deb Matthews later overruled her staff and allowed the contract's $750,000 price tag to be revealed.

"A million dollars a day flows to consultants. The McGuinty government is ignoring the challenges facing the people of this province."
More cuts on the backs of seniors & welfare recipients... your compassionate, intellectual Liberal Party in action.
