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28 October 2009

You know what's worse...

...than dying in a pool of your own vomit? -- Try dying in a pool of somebody else's...
The staff change came in a messy internal scene, according to Liberal insiders. Mr. Davey and Ms. Fairbrother saw reports on TV, and Ms. Fairbrother denied to reporters that anything was happening – but Mr. Ignatieff confirmed it to them later last night.

Mr. Davey had known about efforts to recruit Mr. Donolo to play some role for more than a week, but did not know it was for his job until late Tuesday.
Ah yes... the re-emergence of "Rattus Liberalis".


RELATED: Running for cover
Among some versions swirling around Parliament Hill of how Peter Donolo was recruited as Michael Ignatieff’s new chief of staff, John Manley’s name figures prominently.

But Manley categorically denies reports that Ignatieff asked for his advice, or that he offered it. And he says he is mystified by a related rumour that he circulated word that Donolo was returning to Ottawa.

"Cut the guy some slack will you! Its not like Iggy's ever fired anyone before. How was he to know that you tell the firee BEFORE you tell the rest of the world?"

LAST WORD: Apparently... the party's over
A Chrétien-era staffer asked one of the bright twentysomethings what he does for Ignatieff. “I apply a political lens to everything,” he was told.

“Ah,” the staffer recounted to me later, “so he means he does nothing."

"That’s over now."