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08 October 2009

Go ahead and vote Liberal...

...I dare you...
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal senators are under fire for tinkering with a justice bill passed by elected MPs.

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson accused Grits in the red chamber of "gutting" C-25, the so-called "truth in sentencing" bill that ends two-for-one credit for time served in jail awaiting trial.

Nicholson called on Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff to bring the senators in line and drop the proposal to extend credit for time spent in harsh jail conditions.
But that's just how Iggy and his crew roll... isn't it?


RELATED: You like spam... right?


LAST WORD: The Puffin has (crash)landed
As his party has slipped in the polls, Ignatieff's disapproval ratings have grown.

The percentage of respondents who disapproved of the way Ignatieff is handling his job was 51 per cent, up from 38 per cent in August.

Ignatieff's approval rating was 19 per cent, down from 29 per cent two months ago.