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15 September 2009

Remember when Count Ignatieff...

...promised to erase the deficit without raising taxes? Well... apparently he's got another trick or two up his sleeve...
Premier Dalton McGuinty says Ignatieff agreed to help Ontario implement the blended tax, which goes into effect July 1, by sending approximately $4 billion to the province.
Well... that oughta brighten up every Canadian taxpayer's day. I guess worrying about actual dollars & cents... is for little people.


RELATED: Iggy's bad day gets worse
The Conservatives have the support of 39 per cent of decided voters, according to the Ipsos Reid survey, commissioned by Canwest News Service and Global National.

Meanwhile, it appears that Ignatieff, who announced this month that his party would no longer support the government, would suffer the most from any backlash.

"It's pretty clear that the guy who's going to wear the government falling is Iggy," said Bricker.

LAST WORD: Ask a Liberal War-Roomer
"It is not very often that one gets to witness a "leadership frontrunner" immolate his own candidacy so blithely, so recklessly, but if you click here and you peer inside, you will see the corpse of Michael Ignatieff’s vaulting ambition."

"He is done – and if he isn’t, he should be."
That was then... this is now.
