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11 September 2009

Never forget

There was some doubt three years ago where this archive would end up. Museum officials were aware of it and appreciated it, but it wasn’t yet clear that the institution’s programing and resources could encompass such a collection.

Mr. Rosenbaum said he is grateful that the “digital flame” now has a guaranteed place at ground zero, where it belongs.

And where it began.

RELATED: Yeah, sure... "low key"...

...that's one way to put it. Now that the Socialist-in-Chief got himself elected... he can skip all that patriotic stuff, huh?
In place of Mr. Obama, who spent last Sept. 11 at Ground Zero while campaigning for the presidency, Vice-President Joe Biden and his wife Jill will visit the site along with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, according to a statement from the White House Thursday.
Well... at least he didn't send Reverend Jeremiah Wright... or Van Jones.


LAST WORD: They can't all be stupid... right?
