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11 September 2009

Eight years ago today...

...I opened up an email telling me that a plane had just flown into the World Trade Center in New York.

Wow, I thought... imagining that some inexperienced private pilot had really gone astray... that's gonna be all over the news tonight.

Little did I know.

Shortly after that, Mrs Neo & I drove into Belleville to run some errands at the mall. It was there, on the big screen TV at the Bell outlet, that I was confronted with the reality and enormity of what was happening.

Curiously, all around me... unlike in Gaza and assorted other middle eastern countries on that infamous day... there was no dancing and joyous celebration of this horrific event.

Everyone around me just couldn't seem to wrap their heads around what was undeniably mass murder.

And that made me realise just how different our culture is from so many other places in the world.

It's a lesson I will not forget.
