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10 September 2009

In other "Coalition of Weasels" news

With Ig having poured the blood in the water I asked (for the thirty millionth time) a Toronto area Liberal and former denizen of the Hill whether he agreed with the idea that in order for the Grits to overcome the problems inherent in vote splitting on the left they needed to explore the possibility of an entente cordiale with the NDP.

And that perhaps Bob Rae might be the right man for that job.

"I love how the media and liberals were stupid enough to release a tape of Harper being concerned about the Coalition. That's free advertising for something 75% of Canadians don't want."
"When will the media challenge Iggy on his 'I turned it down' crock? Dion was in line for the PM job when the Three Stooges signed their deal."

UPDATE: Count Ignatieff sets the peasants straight
“I could have been standing here as prime minister of Canada, but I turned it down.”
Oh, please, please, please... keep diggin'.
