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02 September 2009

He'll be out in 18 months... if that

The mockery of the Canadian (cough, cough) justice system...
A drunk driver who killed four elderly women when he slammed his minivan into their car was sentenced yesterday to four years in jail.

Wladyslaw Bilski, 49, will also be prohibited from driving for 10 years.
Call me wacky... but wasn't this irresponsible sot also "prohibited" from driving blind drunk in the first place?

Seriously... this guy killed four innocent human beings. Why wouldn't you just toss his drunken, homicidal ass in jail... if he ever attempts to drive so much as a unicycle ever again?


RELATED: Hey... what's a few dead babies?


UPDATE: In other "justice" related news

Globe & Mail apparently advocating "capital punishment" for cheque fraud.
