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02 September 2009

The first thing we do... hang all the terrorists/lawyers...
A convicted hijacker and terrorist who is facing deportation tried to convince the Law Society of Upper Canada that he's rehabilitated and should be called to practise law in Ontario.

Parminder Singh Saini testified yesterday he made a "terrible, wrong decision" when he commandeered a five-man Sikh team that hijacked an Indian Airlines jet with 265 passengers in July 1984.
And he is indeed a worthy addition to the ranks of professional truthtwisters...
"I had no legitimate right to do that ... It's not legal," said the now 46-year-old Saini, who graduated from University of Windsor law school two years ago, and was testifying at a "good character" hearing at the law society.
Of course, there is that other little, uh... indiscretion...
Saini was granted a full pardon by the Pakistani government in January 1995. He arrived shortly afterward in Canada under a false name and sought refugee status, living with his mom, brother and sister-in-law in Brampton.
Good grief... we're just everybody's breakfast aren't we?
