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14 September 2009

Canadian soldier killed

Private Patrick Lormand, 21 of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment was killed and four others were injured in a roadside IED blast approximately 13 kilometres southwest of Kandahar city.
He will be remembered.

And, of course, the Globe & Mail decides to feature a little Liberal propaganda right alongside this sad news...
An opinion column that ran in several Canadian newspapers from Colin Kenny, the chair of the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, criticized the Afghan mission as being ‘futile' and said “It's time to retreat from Canada's Vietnam.”
Geez, Colin... that sounds awfully familiar...
"If you stop the war, then fine. Otherwise we will have no choice but to continue our war of attrition on every front. If you choose safety and stopping wars, as opinion polls show you do, then we are ready to respond to this."

RELATED: Who is Colin Kenny?

This is actually something you need to know... after all, he's spending your money.
